Tuesday, November 5, 2019

The Future Artificial Intelligence in the Service Industry

Artificial intelligence has grown into a full-fledged ecosystem. With the automation, it brings to almost every aspect of our life, we see it creeping into our mobile phones, our devices connected over IoT and websites, Artificial Intelligence has become a way of living.

The major breakthroughs that our generation has witnessed are in the service industry where the Chat representatives have been replaced by chatbots. This is just the tip of the iceberg.

The customer service industry is very excited to put the advantages of AI powered solutions to use. Not only is it reducing the human effort, but it is also bringing in more accuracy and precision in services fueled by an ecosystem driven by innovative mobile app developers. A lot of customer service representative’s job is repetitive, mundane and has a pattern which makes it easy for the AI scientists to develop algorithms that fit in the space well.

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